@ 02-13-2012

Thank you for the flood of e-mails and special notes about the Reunion success! Your boisterous accolades are flattering and the Reunion Committee is humbled. What a party! Rancho Viejo has asked that the 50 foot palm tree at the ballroom entrance be returned. To the sophisticated lady, wearing red shoes and wants Danny Trejo’s undershirt……..I’m sure Danny will autograph it and mail it to you. To the well dressed lady, who can burn a hole in the dance floor, and wants to have The Commander’s baby…………that’s probably not a good idea and even biologically impossible. However, I will keep your phone number in case I am in the Austin area.

Rick Weed is preparing a DVD of the Reunion, complete with all the photographs taken. We saw many of you taking pictures. We desperately need them! Ideally, he would like them mailed to him on a CD:

5903 Mission Ridge

Arlington, TX 76016

If you are savvy enough to compress the files and e-mail them to him or to the web site……..we say Bravo!!!!!

We will mail each of you a copy of the DVD. The silent, yet gracious, donors who were unable to attend are guaranteed a copy.

As with every Post Script Reunion Message, I apologize to all those husbands who thought my lingering hugs of your wives to be excessive. The Commander admits to be touchy feely and sometimes gets carried away.

A special thanks to our magnanimous donors! Without your selfless, generous donations, we could not have had such a spectacular event! Sharing the losses is far more gratifying than sharing profits.

Please remember to send us your change of mailing address or e-mail address. We would love to have your cell phone number! It makes our job much easier.

The next scheduled reunion will be the 50th in 2017. We will all be on Medicare and “Living The Dream,” as Randy Fletcher says. With that long a wait, I will miss seeing many of you. Please take care of yourselves…….. Surely, by then, you will have switched from recreational drugs to prescription meds……….required, but probably more dangerous. If your doctor tells you to cut down on the ice cream or vodka……..switch doctors!

A Big “Hoo-Rah!” goes out to General Rick Weed who ram-rodded this entire Reunion with his jovial and stealthy wit. He’s the funniest man I have ever known! A special thanks to fellow members of our Reunion Committee, without whom, none of this would have happened: Danny Trejo, Tommy Cox and Bill McBride.

Headquarters is winding down but we will send you periodic e-mails advising of significant events and of those classmates who have married, remarried, divorced and remarried again. Please remember that we are experts in giving financial, spiritual and marital advice……….call us anytime!

The web site is for instant communication. Please keep us posted about our fellow classmates:

It is with sadness I say, “Adios, my friends…………..May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face.”

With Kindest Regards,

The Commander

Mike McKinney

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